6 nov 2012

the EDDIE invitees 2012/13

The Eddie might as well be the all-star game of Big Wave surfing. Actually, scratch that. It's the Home Run Derby of Big Wave Surfing. One day. Twenty-foot plus. At the birthplace of Big Wave surfing. Where Greg Noll so mythically came screaming down the face of monsters in his trademark jailhouse black and whites. This is Yankee Stadium. This is Lambeau Field. This is Madison Square Garden.The point? It doesn't get any bigger.
Since it's inception 28 years ago, the contest has only run eight times. It's a rare bird, making the wins here all the more meaningful. Former winners include, Bruce Irons (2004), Kelly Slater (2001) and Ross Clarke-Jones (2000).
The list of this year's invitees contains seven Red Bull athletes: Bruce Irons, Jamie O'Brien, Ian Walsh, Jamie Sterling, Carlos Burle, Ramon Navarro and Ross Clarke-Jones. For Ian Walsh, it's the first time his name has been clear of the alternates list.
"My whole morning just stood still when i saw this," remarked Walsh via Twitter. "I could not be more honored to be invited to The Eddie. Thank you Quiksilver & the Aikau ohana. And Matthew Kinoshita for creating my love for big waves. So psyched!"
The contest window opens December 1st. You can bet that each of the names on this list wants to make his mark, should the event be greenlit. For more news and up-to-date info on The Eddie, go to the official 

Alex Gray
Bruce Irons
Carlos Burle
Clyde Aikau
Dave Wassel
Garrett McNamara
Grant Baker
Greg Long
Ian Walsh
Jamie O’Brien
Jamie Sterling
John Florence
Jeremy Flores
Kala Alexander
Kelly Slater
Kohl Christenson
Makua Rothman
Mark Healey
Nathan Fletcher
Noah Johnson
Peter Mel
Ramon Navarro
Reef McIntosh
Ross Clarke-Jones
Shane Dorian
Sunny Garcia
Takayuki Wakita
Tom Carroll

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