9 nov 2012

RON CROCI surfartist

Companions Diving Pacific Fantasy

The Surfing Canoe Print Ad for Hawaiian Surf Inc. We Ride The Clouds

Rest Stop Tahitian Fantasy
Ron Croci is more than just an accomplished multi-media artist with 30 years of commercial and fine art experience. He continuously searches for new and different ways of expressing his love for the ocean. As a water sports enthusiasts, surfer and diver, his paintings and prints depict joyful scenes of women in water sports, ocean landscapes and beachscapes.
Ron's artistic history began in the 1970s with a unique surrealistic style reflecting the tumultuous events of current society. As time progressed and after numerous showings in prominent galleries and museums throughout the United States, his artistic themes evolved into more landscapes and expressive figurative art.
Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Ron's passion for bringing life to a canvas took on new and different forms, as he became a well-known illustrative artist in feature films, commercials, corporate and public murals and print illustrations.
At heart, Ron is first and foremost a fine artist, continuously perfecting his nationally-recognized vibrant figurative art and beachscape themes. He currently resides in Palos Verdes, California where he dedicates his full creative time producing luscious beachscapes and figurative art, as well as designing feature films for major motion picture studios. Ron's love for the ocean, vitality and water sports is clearly seen in all his rich and beautiful designs.

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