31 oct 2012

moonsurfer...seven waves the book

A Surf­board with spe­cial powers trans­forms the tube of a wave into a time lock, through which the 15-year old Steven surfs into the year 1693 – just off the west coast of Florida.
Jan Birck, born in 1963, is well-known for his youth books, anim­ated films and advertising.
He was awar­ded the ”Trois­dor­fer Youth Book Award” for his book Secret Agent Mor­ris. Jan Birck also developed the Char­ac­ters, Illus­tra­tion and the well-known Label Design for the book series The Wild Soc­cer Bunch.
The Author has sailed through the North Atlantic on an old two-mast sail­boat, and also spent time sail­ing in the Medi­ter­ranean Sea and through­out the Carib­bean. For a while, he lived in his house off the west coast of Flor­ida. Today, Jan Birck lives in Munich, Germany.

Steven is 15 years old when his father finally became suc­cess­ful by Scharkfin Island just off the West Coast of Flor­ida. Ben Waves, a for­tune hunter, dis­covered the Black­bird which had sunken here – appar­ently filled to the rim with gold – hun­dreds of years earlier.
With his dream of surf­ing packed in his lug­gage, Steven lands at the air­port in Tampa, Flor­ida, and stumbles this same very stormy night into the ruins of a hun­dred year old Hacienda – and onto the smelly bones of old Grumble.
Steven has no idea of the deathly dangers of this old man. In the ruins of the Hacienda – over-rampantly grown by the jungle – Steven dis­cov­ers MOONSURFER. A Long­board shrewn through with deep fur­rows and endowed with magical powers. Appar­ently, it can make Steven – a begin­ner – become a fant­astic surfer, con­nec­ted how­ever with a puzzel­ing job:
Ride the sev­enth wave, kill Snake and save Shark.

The eerie board changes the wave, in which Steven dared to ride, into a tun­nel which cata­pul­ted him into the 17th Cen­tury. There, where Black­bird lays stran­ded on a sand­bank, where the cap­tains boy Snake pur­sues a mys­ter­i­ous pur­pose, and where Shark, the dark­skinned indian girl, lays in chains.
Mean­while, Stevens father dis­cov­ers that the wreck „Black­bird“ is empty, while the old Grumble allies with the indian God of the storm against the treas­ure hunter: with Hur­acan.
Heav­ily injured Steven finally tries to return. Because only he had seen the treas­ure with own eyes, only he can find out who Grumble is, and only he can warn his father…

Great illustrations from the book:

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