23 feb 2012

Origami WALES project

Origami Whales Project from Elisa Buller on Vimeo.

We want to share with you a video and information about a great project and cause in protest of the senseless slaughter of whales by Japan, Norway and Iceland. The project is called the Origami Whales Project and was masterminded in 2004, and still directed by Peggy Oki. You may remember Peggy as a member of the legendary Zephyr Skate Team (Z-Boys of Dogtown), but she is also an environmental activist and rather talented artist too. We urge you to watch this video, listen to it’s message and share it with your friends, and where possible support and rise up against the atrocities against cetaceans! Below is a video by Elisa Buller shot in Dominica featuring Peggy talking about the project… Mission statement Since 2004, the Origami Whales Project has worked to raise awareness concerning threats to cetaceans (dolphins and whales) through its stunning and memorable “Curtain of 36,000 Origami Whales.” Created by thousands of concerned citizens across the globe and exhibited throughout the world, this large-scale public art project serves as a powerful visual statement and memorial for the thousands of individual whales killed since the 1986 ban on commercial whaling. As urgent need for cetacean rights activities arise, the Origami Whales Project has expanded with additional outreach and education programs, creating “Curtains” of origami dolphins and whales in United States, Japan, Dominica, and New Zealand. Latest update: The big curtain is now a “Curtain of 36,000 Origami Whales”, each paper whale memorializing a real whale reported slaughtered by the three main whaling nations of Japan, Norway, and Iceland. www.peggy-oki.com
Peggy Oki has been named as a "Local Hero" by the Santa Barbara Independent. Peggy has more than earned this honor with her inspiring & enduring support for protecting cetaceans and ocean life, through her Origami Whales Project… An international campaign, aimed at getting the message across to the International Whaling Commission (IWC), to put a stop to the slaughter of whales and the cruelty of commercial whaling in Japan, Norway and Iceland.

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